Sunday, January 10, 2016


You keep saying "that's what happened in the past" well why the hell do you keep doing what you're doing. You just want everything to be over and to move on but you have NO intentions of stopping what you're doing. When you're asked if you're planning this, you say no but execute your actions very carefully. You wonder WHY you can't be trusted because you keep doing the same thing over and over and over. Just STOP, you want everybody to think you're some kind of Saint-you're NOT!!!! Putting on a facade like you're a nice person-you have your nice days and ways but you're sneaky and can't be trusted. You wanna hang out with your sneaky friends. Why lie, just tell the Truth and begin to establish Trust. That means STOP doing stupid stuff!!! How is anyone gonna ever trust you if you don't prove to them that you CAN be trusted??? 

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